Top Ways to Run Python Code On Android Phone

If you want to run Python code on Android, this article is for you. Python has proved that it is a very effective language that is both user-friendly for beginners and potent in the hands of specialists. So why shouldn’t Python be used everywhere, and why do you need to instruct a computer to perform a task? And shouldn’t your tools make use of all of Python’s potential, not just the parts that translate well to a C binding?

Nowadays, computers don’t operate on 80×25 console windows. Instead, it occurs on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices with sophisticated user interfaces. So why shouldn’t you be able to run Python script on Android and all of those places and take advantage of each platform’s specific strengths?

It shouldn’t matter to end users what language is used to create their tools. And that begins with having an entirely native tool-like appearance and behavior. Delivered in the same manner as a native app, with native appearance and behavior. So why can’t your Python tools function just as well as the ones that are native?

There are multiple ways to run Python on Android.

1. BeeWare

BeeWare is a group of resources for creating native user interfaces so that it can run Python scripts in android apps. So that’s what BeeWare offers. Tools for writing Python programming that has a rich, native user interface, as well as the libraries and support code required to let such code run Python on Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, tvOS, and more.

The most dependable technique to create robust and dependable software has been shown to be through the use of open-source development. Because of this, the whole BeeWare toolkit is BSD-licensed and open to everyone’s usage and modification.

2. Chaquopy

The Gradle-based build mechanism in Android Studio has a plugin called Chaquopy. With Chaquopy, you may freely combine Python and Java in your app, depending on which language best suits your requirements. Furthermore, you can run Python on Android and partially or completely develop an application with Python API.

You have immediate access to the entire Android API and user interface toolkit so that you can run Python script in Android app. Additionally, Chaquopy is compatible with Android’s default build system. Thus, without altering your current development process, you may start using Chaquopy within 5 minutes if you utilize Android Studio.

3. Kivy

A cross-platform user interface toolkit built on OpenGL is called Kivy. With OpenGL ES 2.0, Kivy applications can be used to run Python on Android and (almost) any other device (Android 2.2 minimum). This is typical for contemporary technology; according to Google, 99.9% of devices meet the threshold.

Kivy APKs are regular Android programs that you may share in the same ways as any other software, including through shops like the Play store. They function well when restarted or paused, have access to the majority of the normal Java API, and can use Android services to run Python code on Android.

The Kivy project offers all the tools required to package your Android software, including the ability to create your own independent APK that can be sold on marketplaces such as the Play store.

Although Kivy is a Python platform, the Kivy project still maintains features that make it simple to use the regular Java APIs for anything to run Python on Android and deliver messages via SMS or email to send vibrations. We advise utilizing Plyer for beginning users. You can use Pyjnius directly if you need more sophisticated access or APIs that aren’t currently encapsulated. For basic Android functionality, Kivy also offers an android module to run Python script on Android.

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4. Pyqtdeploy

Pyqtdeploy is a utility to run Python on Android and deploy PyQt programs. It enables deployment to mobile devices as well as desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, and OS X) (iOS and Android).

The way pyqtdeploy operates is to take the different modules of a PyQt app, freeze them, and then add them to a Qt resource file that has been RCC-ed into C++ code. The Python standard library is managed in a similar manner.

A file that lists all the developed C++ code is also produced by pyqtdeploy. From there, a platform-specific Makefile is created using the Qt qmake tool, which creates a single executable. The executable can then be changed into a deployable package for a given platform using additional Qt and platform-specific tools.

Python v3.2 and PyQt5 or later must be installed in order to use pyqtdeploy. However, applications created using PyQt4 and PyQt5 and written in Python v2.6 or later, as well as Python v3.3 or later, are supported. In addition, pyqtdeploy is made available under a BSD license to run Python on Android.

5. QPython

An on-device scripting language and environment is QPython. The script may typically do your tasks just as effectively as the original application. For example, with QPython’s assistance, you can effectively run Python code on Android. Likewise, android smartphones can run Python programs thanks to the script engine QPython.

It can also assist programmers to run Python on Android and create Android applications. In addition, you may create mobile-compatible programs with QPython’s comprehensive development kit, which also offers a standard Python interface.

6. SL4A

A set of “facades” known as SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android), formerly known as ASE (Android Scripting Environment), offer a significantly condensed portion of the Android API. By enabling you to edit and run scripts as well as interactive interpreters right on an Android device, SL4A introduces scripting languages to the platform. These scripts have accessibility to many of the same APIs that complete Android applications have, but with a much more user-friendly interface that makes it simple to accomplish tasks and run Python on Android.

Scripts can be executed interactively on a terminal and in the background. We presently support Python, JRuby, Perl, Lua, JavaScript, BeanShell, Tcl, and shell, and we intend to add more in the future. In addition, you may watch numerous feature demonstrations for SL4A on YouTube by visiting the SL4A Video Help playlist. Finally, software of the highest alpha caliber, SL4A, is created for developers to run Python on Android.

Also read: Python Online Compilers for Python Developers

7. PySide

The Python binding for the Qt toolkit, PySide, includes some early Android support. Additionally, the PySide project offers Python bindings for Qt 4 that are LGPL-licensed. Additionally, a full toolchain for quickly creating bindings for any Qt-based C++ class hierarchies is included to run Python on Android. PySide Qt bindings enable free and paid software creation and ultimately support Qt platforms.

8. Termux

Termux is a Linux environment and terminal emulator for Android that operates without setup or rooting to run Python on Android. The APT package manager can be used to install extra packages after the automatic installation of a minimum base system.

Java is the main programming language for Android. However, Jython has not yet been ported to the system. BeeWare uses VOC, a program that converts Python source code into Java class files, to support Android. This enables Python code to run on the JVM as a native binary.


To run Python code on Android could be real fun, but it’s not a good idea to manage a large project with these tools. But there are other ways to start small initiatives, particularly if they don’t have long-term, practical applications.

These are fantastic tools to run Python on Android and play around with to sharpen your Python coding skills beyond handling small projects, especially if you don’t have a PC to run your Python scripts.

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